Source code for radio_beam.multiple_beams

from astropy import units as u
from import fits
from astropy import constants
from astropy import wcs
import numpy as np
import warnings

from .beam import Beam, _to_area, SIGMA_TO_FWHM
from .commonbeam import commonbeam
from .utils import InvalidBeamOperationError

[docs] class Beams(u.Quantity): """ An object to handle a set of radio beams for a data cube. """ def __new__(cls, major=None, minor=None, pa=None, areas=None, default_unit=u.arcsec, meta=None, beams=None): """ Create a new set of Gaussian beams Parameters ---------- major : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` with angular equivalency The FWHM major axes minor : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` with angular equivalency The FWHM minor axes pa : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` with angular equivalency The beam position angles area : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` with steradian equivalency The area of the beams. This is an alternative to specifying the major/minor/PA, and will create those values assuming a circular Gaussian beam. default_unit : :class:`~astropy.units.Unit` The unit to impose on major, minor if they are specified as floats beams : List of :class:`~radio_beam.Beam` objects List of individual `Beam` objects. The resulting `Beams` object will have major and minor axes in degrees. """ # improve to some kwargs magic later # error checking if beams is not None: major = [ for beam in beams] * u.deg minor = [ for beam in beams] * u.deg pa = [ for beam in beams] * u.deg # ... given an area make a round beam assuming it is Gaussian if areas is not None: rad = np.sqrt(areas / (2 * np.pi)) * u.deg major = rad * SIGMA_TO_FWHM minor = rad * SIGMA_TO_FWHM pa = np.zeros_like(areas) * u.deg # give specified values priority if major is not None: if u.deg.is_equivalent(major.unit): pass else: warnings.warn("Assuming major axes has been specified in degrees") major = major * u.deg if minor is not None: if u.deg.is_equivalent(minor.unit): pass else: warnings.warn("Assuming minor axes has been specified in degrees") minor = minor * u.deg if pa is not None: if len(pa) != len(major): raise ValueError("Number of position angles must match number of major axis lengths") if u.deg.is_equivalent(pa.unit): pass else: warnings.warn("Assuming position angles has been specified in degrees") pa = pa * u.deg else: pa = np.zeros_like(major.value) * u.deg # some sensible defaults if minor is None: minor = major elif len(minor) != len(major): raise ValueError("Minor and major axes must have same number of values") if np.any(minor > major): raise ValueError("Minor axis greater than major axis.") self = super(Beams, cls).__new__(cls, value=_to_area(major, minor).value, self.major = major self.minor = minor = pa self.default_unit = default_unit if meta is None: self.meta = [{}]*len(self) else: self.meta = meta return self @property def meta(self): return self._meta @meta.setter def meta(self, value): if len(value) == len(self): self._meta = value else: raise TypeError("metadata must be a list of dictionaries") def __len__(self): return len(self.major) @property def isfinite(self): return ((self.major > 0) & (self.minor > 0) & np.isfinite(self.major) & np.isfinite(self.minor) & np.isfinite( def __getslice__(self, start, stop, increment=None): return self.__getitem__(slice(start, stop, increment)) def __getitem__(self, view): if isinstance(view, (int, np.int64)): return Beam(major=self.major[view], minor=self.minor[view],[view], meta=self.meta[view]) elif isinstance(view, slice): return Beams(major=self.major[view], minor=self.minor[view],[view], meta=self.meta[view]) elif isinstance(view, np.ndarray): if != 'bool': raise ValueError("If using an array to index beams, it must " "be a boolean array.") return Beams(major=self.major[view], minor=self.minor[view],[view], meta=[x for ii,x in zip(view, self.meta) if ii]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid slice") def __array_finalize__(self, obj): # If our unit is not set and obj has a valid one, use it. if self._unit is None: unit = getattr(obj, '_unit', None) if unit is not None: self._set_unit(unit) if isinstance(obj, Beams): # Multiplication and division should change the area, # but not the PA or major/minor ratio self.major = obj.major self.minor = obj.minor = self.meta = obj.meta # Copy info if the original had `info` defined. Because of the way the # DataInfo works, `'info' in obj.__dict__` is False until the # `info` attribute is accessed or set. Note that `obj` can be an # ndarray which doesn't have a `__dict__`. if 'info' in getattr(obj, '__dict__', ()): = @property def sr(self): return _to_area(self.major, self.minor)
[docs] @classmethod def from_fits_bintable(cls, bintable): """ Instantiate a Beams list from a bintable HDU from a CASA-produced image HDU. Parameters ---------- bintable : fits.BinTableHDU The table data containing the beam information Returns ------- beams : Beams A new Beams object """ header = bintable.header # Read the bmaj/bmin units from the header # (we still assume BPA is degrees because we've never seen an exceptional case) # this will crash if there is no appropriate header info maj_kw = [kw for kw, val in header.items() if val == 'BMAJ'][0] min_kw = [kw for kw, val in header.items() if val == 'BMIN'][0] maj_unit = header[maj_kw.replace('TTYPE', 'TUNIT')] min_unit = header[min_kw.replace('TTYPE', 'TUNIT')] # AIPS uses non-FITS-standard unit names; this catches the # only case we've seen so far if maj_unit == 'DEGREES': maj_unit = 'degree' if min_unit == 'DEGREES': min_unit = 'degree' maj_unit = u.Unit(maj_unit) min_unit = u.Unit(min_unit) major = u.Quantity(['BMAJ'], maj_unit) minor = u.Quantity(['BMIN'], min_unit) pa = u.Quantity(['BPA'], u.deg) meta = [{key: row[key] for key in bintable.columns.names if key not in ('BMAJ', 'BPA', 'BMIN')} for row in] return cls(major=major, minor=minor, pa=pa, meta=meta)
[docs] @classmethod def from_casa_image(cls, imagename): ''' Instantiate beams from a CASA image. Cannot currently handle beams for different polarizations. ** Must be run in a CASA environment! ** Parameters ---------- imagename : str Name of CASA image. ''' try: from casatools import image as iatool ia = iatool() except ImportError: raise ImportError("Could not import CASA and therefore" " cannot read CASA .image files") beam_props = ia.restoringbeam() ia.close() nchans = beam_props['nChannels'] # Assuming there is always a 0th channel... maj_unit = u.Unit(beam_props['beams']['*0']['*0']['major']['unit']) min_unit = u.Unit(beam_props['beams']['*0']['*0']['minor']['unit']) pa_unit = u.Unit(beam_props['beams']['*0']['*0']['positionangle']['unit']) major = np.empty((nchans)) * maj_unit minor = np.empty((nchans)) * min_unit pa = np.empty((nchans)) * pa_unit for chan in range(nchans): chan_name = '*{}'.format(chan) chanbeam_props = beam_props['beams'][chan_name]['*0'] # Can CASA have mixes of units between channels? Let's test just # in case assert maj_unit == u.Unit(chanbeam_props['major']['unit']) assert min_unit == u.Unit(chanbeam_props['minor']['unit']) assert pa_unit == u.Unit(chanbeam_props['positionangle']['unit']) major[chan] = chanbeam_props['major']['value'] * maj_unit minor[chan] = chanbeam_props['minor']['value'] * min_unit pa[chan] = chanbeam_props['positionangle']['value'] * pa_unit return cls(major=major, minor=minor, pa=pa)
[docs] def average_beam(self, includemask=None, raise_for_nan=True): """ Average the beam major, minor, and PA attributes. This is usually a dumb thing to do! """ warnings.warn("Do not use the average beam for convolution! Use the" " smallest common beam from `Beams.common_beam()`.") from astropy.stats import circmean if includemask is None: includemask = self.isfinite else: includemask = np.logical_and(includemask, self.isfinite) new_beam = Beam(major=self.major[includemask].mean(), minor=self.minor[includemask].mean(), pa=circmean([includemask], weights=(self.major / self.minor)[includemask])) if raise_for_nan and np.any(np.isnan(new_beam)): raise ValueError("NaNs after averaging. This is a bug.") return new_beam
[docs] def largest_beam(self, includemask=None): """ Returns the largest beam (by area) in a list of beams. """ if includemask is None: includemask = self.isfinite else: includemask = np.logical_and(includemask, self.isfinite) largest_idx = (self.major * self.minor)[includemask].argmax() new_beam = Beam(major=self.major[includemask][largest_idx], minor=self.minor[includemask][largest_idx],[includemask][largest_idx]) return new_beam
[docs] def smallest_beam(self, includemask=None): """ Returns the smallest beam (by area) in a list of beams. """ if includemask is None: includemask = self.isfinite else: includemask = np.logical_and(includemask, self.isfinite) largest_idx = (self.major * self.minor)[includemask].argmin() new_beam = Beam(major=self.major[includemask][largest_idx], minor=self.minor[includemask][largest_idx],[includemask][largest_idx]) return new_beam
[docs] def extrema_beams(self, includemask=None): return [self.smallest_beam(includemask), self.largest_beam(includemask)]
[docs] def common_beam(self, includemask=None, method='pts', **kwargs): ''' Return the smallest common beam size. For set of two beams, the solution is solved analytically. All larger sets solve for the minimum volume ellipse using the `Khachiyan Algorithm <>`_, where the convex hull of the set of ellipse edges is used to find the boundaries of the set. Since the minimum ellipse method is approximate, some solutions for the common beam will be slightly underestimated and the solution cannot be deconvolved from the whole set of beams. To overcome this issue, a small `epsilon` correction factor is added to the ellipse edges to encourage a valid common beam solution. Since `epsilon` is added to all sides, this correction will at most increase the common beam size by :math:`2\times(1+\epsilon)`. The default values of `epsilon` is :math:`5\times10^{-4}`, so this will have a very small effect on the size of the common beam. In some cases, `epsilon` must be increased to find a valid common beam solution. The algorithm does this by default (set by `auto_increase_epsilon=True`), and will incrementally increase `epsilon` until the common beam can be deconvolved from all beams, or until either(1) `max_iter` is reached (default is 10) or (2) `max_epsilon` is reached (default is 1e-3). In practice, we find these settings work well for different ALMA or VLA data, but these `kwargs` may need to be changed for discrepant cases. Parameters ---------- includemask : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional Boolean mask. method : {'pts'}, optional Many beam method. Only `pts` is currently available. kwargs : Passed to `~radio_beam.commonbeam`. ''' return commonbeam(self if includemask is None else self[includemask], method=method, **kwargs)
def __iter__(self): for i in range(len(self)): yield self[i] def __mul__(self, other): # Other must be a single beam. Assume multiplying is convolving # as set of beams with a given beam if not isinstance(other, Beam): raise InvalidBeamOperationError("Multiplication is defined as a " "convolution of the set of beams " "with a given beam. Must be " "multiplied with a Beam object.") return Beams(beams=[beam * other for beam in self]) def __truediv__(self, other): # Other must be a single beam. Assume dividing is deconvolving # as set of beams with a given beam if not isinstance(other, Beam): raise InvalidBeamOperationError("Division is defined as a " "deconvolution of the set of beams" " with a given beam. Must be " "divided by a Beam object.") return Beams(beams=[beam / other for beam in self]) def __add__(self, other): raise InvalidBeamOperationError("Addition of a set of Beams " "is not defined.") def __sub__(self, other): raise InvalidBeamOperationError("Addition of a set of Beams " "is not defined.") def __eq__(self, other): # other should be a single beam, or a another Beams object if isinstance(other, Beam): return np.array([beam == other for beam in self]) elif isinstance(other, Beams): # These should have the same size. if not self.size == other.size: raise InvalidBeamOperationError("Beams objects must have the " "same shape to test " "equality.") return np.all([beam == other_beam for beam, other_beam in zip(self, other)]) else: raise InvalidBeamOperationError("Must test equality with a Beam" " or Beams object.") def __ne__(self, other): eq_out = self.__eq__(other) # If other is a Beam, will get array back if isinstance(eq_out, np.ndarray): return ~eq_out # If other is a Beams, will get boolean back else: return not eq_out