Radio Beam ========== radio-beam provides a tools for manipulating and utilizing two-dimensional Gaussian beams within the `astropy `__ framework. It is primarily built for handling radio astronomy data and is integrated into the `spectral-cube _` package, amongst others. radio-beam also handles operations on sets of beams, for example from a spectral cube with varying resolution in spectral channels. Of note are the algorithms for identifying the smallest common beam in a set (i.e., the minimum enclosing ellipse area). Getting started ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 install.rst commonbeam.rst plotting_beams.rst convolution_kernels.rst api.rst Basic Examples ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Handling a single beam ---------------------- `~radio_beam.Beam` handles operations on individual beams. Read a beam from a FITS header:: >>> from radio_beam import Beam >>> from import fits >>> header = fits.getheader('file.fits') # doctest: +SKIP >>> my_beam = Beam.from_fits_header(header) # doctest: +SKIP >>> print(my_beam) # doctest: +SKIP Beam: BMAJ=0.038652855902928 arcsec BMIN=0.032841067761183604 arcsec BPA=32.29655838013 deg To add the beam parameters to a FITS header:: >>> header.update(my_beam.to_header_keywords()) # doctest: +SKIP This will return new or add values for the `BMAJ`, `BMIN`, and `BPA` keywords. Create a new circular beam:: >>> from astropy import units as u >>> my_beam = Beam(0.5*u.arcsec) >>> my_beam Beam: BMAJ=0.5 arcsec BMIN=0.5 arcsec BPA=0.0 deg `~radio_beam.Beam` assumes a circular beam when a minor full-width-half-max (FWHM) is not given. To create an elliptical beam, the minor FWHM and position angle need to be given:: >>> my_beam_ellip = Beam(major=0.5*u.arcsec, minor=0.25*u.arcsec, pa=30*u.deg) >>> my_beam_ellip Beam: BMAJ=0.5 arcsec BMIN=0.25 arcsec BPA=30.0 deg The beam area in steradians is:: >>> # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP Or projected into physical units given a distance:: >>> my_beam_ellip.beam_projected_area(840*u.kpc).to(u.pc**2) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP A common unit conversion in radio astronomy is Jy/beam to K, which depends on the beam area. A `~radio_beam.Beam` object can be used for this unit conversion with `~astropy.units`:: >>> (1*u.Jy).to(u.K, u.brightness_temperature(25*u.GHz, my_beam)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP Or alternatively with:: >>> (1*u.Jy).to(u.K, my_beam.jtok_equiv(25*u.GHz)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP To get the value of 1 Jy in K for a given beam:: >>> my_beam.jtok(25*u.GHz) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP Two beams can be convolved:: >>> my_asymmetric_beam = Beam(0.75*u.arcsec, 0.25*u.arcsec, 0*u.deg) >>> my_other_asymmetric_beam = Beam(0.75*u.arcsec, 0.25*u.arcsec, 90*u.deg) >>> my_asymmetric_beam.convolve(my_other_asymmetric_beam) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP Beam: BMAJ=0.790569415042 arcsec BMIN=0.790569415042 arcsec BPA=45.0 deg And also deconvolved:: >>> my_big_beam = Beam(1.0*u.arcsec, 1.0*u.arcsec, 0*u.deg) >>> my_little_beam = Beam(0.5*u.arcsec, 0.5*u.arcsec, 0*u.deg) >>> my_big_beam.deconvolve(my_little_beam) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP Beam: BMAJ=0.866025403784 arcsec BMIN=0.866025403784 arcsec BPA=0.0 deg An error is returned if the beam area is too small to deconvolve from the other:: >>> my_little_beam.deconvolve(my_big_beam) # doctest: +SKIP To find the smallest common beam between any two beams:: >>> my_asymmetric_beam.commonbeam_with(my_other_asymmetric_beam) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP Beam: BMAJ=0.75 arcsec BMIN=0.75 arcsec BPA=90.0 deg Handling a sets of beams ------------------------ `~radio_beam.Beams` handles operations on sets of beams. To read a table of beams from a FITS table:: >>> from radio_beam import Beams >>> from import fits >>> bin_hdu ='file.fits')[1] # doctest: +SKIP >>> beams = Beams.from_fits_bintable(bin_hdu) # doctest: +SKIP In the above example, the second FITS extension contains the beam tables, while the first would have the spectral cube data. To read a table of beams from a CASA image (must be run inside a CASA environment!):: >>> beams = Beams.from_casa_image('file.image') # doctest: +SKIP Create a table of beams:: >>> my_beams = Beams([1.5, 1.3] * u.arcsec, [1., 1.2] * u.arcsec, [0, 50] * u.deg) `~radio_beam.Beams` acts like a numpy array and can be sliced in the same way:: >>> my_beams[0] Beam: BMAJ=1.5 arcsec BMIN=1.0 arcsec BPA=0.0 deg >>> my_beams[1] Beam: BMAJ=1.3 arcsec BMIN=1.2 arcsec BPA=50.0 deg Find the largest beam in the set:: >>> my_beams.largest_beam() Beam: BMAJ=1.3 arcsec BMIN=1.2 arcsec BPA=50.0 deg Find the smallest common beam for the set (see :ref:`here ` for more on common beams):: >>> my_beams.common_beam() # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP Beam: BMAJ=1.50671729431 arcsec BMIN=1.25695643792 arcsec BPA=6.69089813778 deg Return the smallest and largest beams in a set (by beam area):: >>> smallest_beam, largest_beam = my_beams.extrema_beams() >>> smallest_beam Beam: BMAJ=1.5 arcsec BMIN=1.0 arcsec BPA=0.0 deg >>> largest_beam Beam: BMAJ=1.3 arcsec BMIN=1.2 arcsec BPA=50.0 deg Optionally mask out a beam (to exclude from the calculation):: >>> import numpy as np >>> beam_mask = np.array([True, False]) >>> smallest_beam, largest_beam = my_beams.extrema_beams(includemask=beam_mask) >>> smallest_beam Beam: BMAJ=1.5 arcsec BMIN=1.0 arcsec BPA=0.0 deg >>> largest_beam Beam: BMAJ=1.5 arcsec BMIN=1.0 arcsec BPA=0.0 deg This masking can be applied to most operations, including `~radio_beam.Beams.common_beam` to exclude large outliers in the set. One useful example is if a channel is blanked in a spectral-cube, and the beam is a `NaN`. To make a mask to select only finite beams:: >>> my_beams.isfinite array([ True, True])