.. _plotting: Add a beam to a matplotlib plot =============================== To show the beam on an image in matplotlib, use `~radio_beam.Beam.ellipse_to_plot`:: >>> from radio_beam import Beam >>> import astropy.units as u >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> my_beam = Beam(5*u.arcsec, 3*u.arcsec, 30*u.deg) >>> ycen_pix, xcen_pix = 15, 15 >>> pixscale = 1 * u.arcsec >>> ellipse_artist = my_beam.ellipse_to_plot(xcen_pix, ycen_pix, pixscale) >>> ax = plt.imshow(image) # doctest: +SKIP >>> _ = ax.add_artist(ellipse_artist) # doctest: +SKIP The three inputs you need for adding to an arbitrary image are the x and y coordinates to center the beam at in the image, and the pixel scale of the image as defined in the WCS information.