Making convolution kernels

Beam can produce two types of kernels: a Gaussian (as_kernel) and a top-hat (as_tophat_kernel).

As an example, consider the elliptical beam:

>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from radio_beam import Beam
>>> my_beam = Beam(3*u.arcsec, 1.5*u.arcsec, 60*u.deg)


as_kernel will return an elliptical Gaussian kernel given the angular size of a pixel:

>>> pix_scale = 0.5 * u.arcsec
>>> gauss_kern = my_beam.as_kernel(pix_scale)

gauss_kern will be a EllipticalGaussian2DKernel object and has the same methods, attributes and keyword arguments as Kernel2D in astropy’s convolution package. These keyword arguments can be passed to as_kernel. See the astropy documentation for more information on convolution kernels.


as_tophat_kernel returns an elliptical top-hat kernel scales to have the same area as a Gaussian kernel within the FWHM. Similar to the Gaussian kernel, only the pixel scale needs to be given:

>>> tophat_kern = my_beam.as_tophat_kernel(pix_scale)

tophat_kern is a EllipticalTophat2DKernel object, also derived from Kernel2D in astropy’s convolution package. Keyword arguments can be passed to as_tophat_kernel.

The values in the kernel are normalized to unity, and it is suitable for convolution. However, the top-hat kernel is also useful for masking purposes, in which case a boolean version of the kernel is useful. To make a boolean version, we need to access the array in the kernel object and look for non-zero values:

>>> tophat_kern_bool = tophat_kern.array > 0

tophat_kern_bool is suitable for use with morphological operations, such as those in scipy.ndimage.

Convolution kernels from multiple beams

From a Beams object, a convolution kernel can be made for each beam in the set by slicing:

>>> from radio_beam import Beams
>>> from import fits
>>> bin_hdu ='file.fits')[1]  
>>> beams = Beams.from_fits_bintable(bin_hdu)  
>>> beams[0].as_kernel(pix_scale)