API Documentation

radio_beam Package


Beam([major, minor, pa, area, default_unit, ...])

An object to handle single radio beams.

EllipticalTophat2DKernel(stddev_maj, ...[, ...])

2D Elliptical Tophat filter kernel.

EllipticalGaussian2DKernel(stddev_maj, ...)

2D Elliptical Gaussian filter kernel.

Beams([major, minor, pa, areas, ...])

An object to handle a set of radio beams for a data cube.

radio_beam.commonbeam Module


commonbeam(beams[, method])

Use analytic method if there are only two beams.

common_2beams(beams[, check_deconvolution])

Find a common beam from a Beams object with 2 beams.

getMinVolEllipse(P[, tolerance, maxiter])

Use the Khachiyan Algorithm to compute that minimum volume ellipsoid.

common_manybeams_mve(beams[, tolerance, ...])

Calculate a common beam size using the Khachiyan Algorithm to find the minimum enclosing ellipse from all beam edges.

find_commonbeam_between(beam1, beam2[, ...])

Find the common beam between 2 Beam objects.

radio_beam.utils Module


convolve(beam, other)

Convolve one beam with another.

deconvolve(beam, other[, ...])

Deconvolve a beam from another

deconvolve_optimized(beamprops1, beamprops2)

An optimized, non-Quantity version of beam deconvolution.

transform_ellipse(major, minor, pa, x_scale, ...)

Transform an ellipse by scaling in the x and y axes.



docstring for BeamError

